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Heritage Series_Barbara_1348x490_With time.jpg

October 4, 2024 7pm

Toni Marie Palmertree, soprano
John Pickle, tenor
Eric Green, baritone

Eric Greene


James Harp

James Harp


Già nella notte densa


Ms. Palmertree & Mr. Pickle

The Count's Aria

Le nozze di Figaro

Mr. Greene

Tu che le vanità

Don Carlo

Ms. Palmertree

The Toreador Song


Mr. Greene

Kuda, kuda

Eugene Onegin

Mr. Pickle

Song to the Moon


Ms. Palmertree

Eri tu

Un ballo in maschera

Mr. Greene

Donna non vidi mai

Manon Lescaut

Mr. Pickle

Questo amor


Mr. Greene

Tu, tu amore?

Manon Lescaut

Ms. Palmertree & Mr. Pickle


Celebrating Barbara Hecht

Au fond du temple saint

Les pêcheurs de perles

Mr. Pickle & Mr. Greene


Ms. Palmertree

Toothbrush Time

Ms. Palmertree

Without a Song

Great Day

Mr. Greene


West Side Story

Mr. Greene

All The Things You Are

Very Warm for May

Mr. Pickle

Lonely House

Street Scene

Mr. Pickle

The Impossible Dream

Man of La Mancha

Mr. Greene

O Danny Boy

Mr. Pickle

My Parting Gift

Ms. Palmertree

Giuseppe Verdi

W.A. Mozart

Giuseppe Verdi

Georges Bizet

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Antonín Dvořák

Giuseppe Verdi

Giacomo Puccini

Giacomo Puccini

Giacomo Puccini

Georges Bizet

William Bolcom

William Bolcom

Vincent Youmans

Leonard Bernstein

Jerome Kern

Kurt Weill

Mitch Leigh


Elinor Remick Warren


Otello - Già nella notte densa

Guiseppe Verdi

OTELLO - Now as the darkness deepens all harsh sounds die away, and now my turbulent heart finds peace in this embrace and calm refreshment.  Let cannons roar and all the world collapse if after the immeasurable wrath comes this immeasurable love!


DESDEMONA - My splendid warrior! What anguish, what deep sighs and high hopes have strewn the path to our glad union! Oh, how sweet to murmur thus together! Do you remember? You used to tell me of your life in exile, of violent deeds and suffering long endured, and I would listen, transported by the tales that terrified, but thrilled my heart as well.


OTELLO - I would describe the clash of arms, the fight and violent thrust toward the fatal breach, the assault, when hands, like grisly tendrils, clung to bastions amid the hissing darts.


DESDEMONA - Then you would lead me to the glaring desert, to scorching sands, the country of your birth; and then you would relate your sufferings, tell me of chains and slavery’s agony.


OTELLO - Softened was your lovely face by tears, your lips by sighs, when I my story told; upon my darkness shone a radiance, heaven and all the stars in benediction!


DESDEMONA - And I descried upon your dusky temples genius’ ethereal beauty shining there.


OTELLO - You loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved you that you did pity them.


DESDEMONA - I loved you for the dangers you had passed, and you loved me that I did pity them.


OTELLO - And you loved me, and I loved you that you did pity them.


DESDEMONA - And you loved me that I did pity them.


OTELLO - Let death come now, that in the ecstasy of this embrace I meet my hour of hours!  Such is the rapture of my soul, I fear that never more to me may be vouchsafed to know such bliss in all the hidden future of my fate.


DESDEMONA - May heaven dispel all cares and love change not throughout the changing years.


OTELLO - To that prayer of yours may all the heavenly host reply ‘‘Amen’’!


DESDEMONA - ‘‘Amen’’ be the reply!


OTELLO - Ah! Joy floods my breast so piercingly that I must lay me down and pant for breath...A kiss...


DESDEMONA - Othello!  


OTELLO - ... a kiss...another kiss!  The blazing Pleiades sinks beneath the waves.


DESDEMONA - The night is far advanced.


OTHELLO - Come... Venus is radiant!         DESDEMONA - Othello!

Le nozze di Figaro - The Count's Aria

Wolfgang A. Mozart

"You've already won your case"!  What do I hear?  What trap have I fallen into?   

Traitors!  I want ...   I'll punish you - the sentence shall be…

But if he pays that old suitor of his?   Pay her!  How?  And then there's Antonio,

who'd refuse to give his niece in marriage to a nameless man such as Figaro. 

Flattering the pride of this half-wit ...

Everything is according to my plans ... the case is won. 

Shall I see, while I suffer, a servant of mine be happy?  

And the beauty which I desire in vain, should he possess her? 

Shall I see the hand of love unite to a low-born suitor,

she who arouses in me a tenderness which she doesn't feel for me?

Ah no, I can’t leave this happy man undisturbed. 

You weren't born, audacious fellow, to be my torment,

and perhaps to laugh at my unhappiness. 

Only the hope of my revenge now consoles my spirit, and brings me joy.

Don Carlo - Tu che le vanità

Giuseppe Verdi

You who knew the emptiness of the pomp of this world,

you who enjoy at last a sweet, profound peace,

if one sheds tears even in heaven, by weeping bring my tears to the feet of the eternal one!

Carlo will come here! … Yes! He must leave, he must forget…

I have promised Posa to watch over his life,

so that he follows his glorious, blessed path!

For me, my task is done, and my days are over!

France, noble land, so dear to me in my youth! 

Fontainebleau! My heart is filled with your image …

It is there that God received our eternal vow,

and its eternity lasted but a moment…

Beautiful Spanish gardens, at this hour pale and shadowy,

if Carlos should again pause in your shade,

let your flowers, your lawns, your fountains, your copses sing to him of me in full voice!

Farewell, golden dream … illusion! … phantom! …

Every link binding me to earth is broken! Farewell, youth, love! …

Giving out beneath the strain, my heart has only one wish left, which is the peace of death!

You who knew the emptiness of the pomp of this world,

you who enjoy at last a sweet, profound peace,

if one sheds tears even in heaven, by weeping bring my tears to the feet of the eternal one! Glorious soul risen to heaven, ah, by weeping bring my tears to the feet of the eternal one!


Carmen - The Toreador Song

Georges Bizet

Your toast ... I can return it to you, Señors, because with the soldiers there is camaraderie.

The bullring is full, it's a holiday, and full from top to bottom. 

The spectators are aroar, they are calling out loudly with furious noise.

It is the time of courage! Toreador, be on guard.

And remember that at the end of the fight beautiful dark eyes await you. Love awaits!

At once there is silence. What is happening? No more screams;

it's the moment the bull springs by leaping out of the cage.

He rushes, he enters, a horse falls on a picador.

The crowd yells “Bravo Toro!” And the bull rages.

The ring is full of blood, and now it is the Toreador’s turn!

Toreador, be on guard.

And remember that at the end of the fight beautiful dark eyes await you. Love awaits!


Eugene Onegin - Kuda, kuda

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovksy

Where have you gone, O golden days of my spring?

What does the coming day have in store for me?

It escapes my eyes, it is hidden!

No matter; fate's law is just.

Shall I fall to the deadly arrow, or will it pass by?

All for better, there is a pre-determined time for life and for sleep.

Blessed is a day of simple tasks and blessed is the day of troubles.

Will the day beam shine in the morning and the bright day shall reign

and I, well, will I, perhaps, will descend into mysterious darkness of my fatal tomb?

And the memory of a strange poet will fall into the abyss.

The world shall forget me, but you, you, Olga!

Tell me, will you, the maiden of beauty, come to shed a tear over the early urn,

and think "he loved me, he devoted to me the gloomy dawn of a troubled life!"

Ah Olga, I did love you, to you alone I devoted the gloomy dawn of my troubled life.

Yes, Olga, I did love you!  My wonderful friend,

my dear friend, come, I am your spouse.

I wait for you, desired friend. Come, I am your husband.

Where have you gone, O golden days of my spring?


Rusalka - Song to the Moon

Antonín Dvořák

O moon, up in the deep sky, your light sees distant places,

you travel round the wide world, you look into people’s houses.

O moon, stay for a moment, tell me, o, tell me where is my love! 

Tell him please, silver moon in the sky, that I embrace him,

that he should for at least a while, remember his dreams!

Light up his distant place, tell him, oh, tell him who waits here!

If he dreams of me, may this memory waken him!

O, moon, don’t disappear!


Un ballo in maschera - Eri tu

Giuseppe Verdi

Rise, you will see your son again.

Hide your shame in the shadows and silence.

This is not about her that has wounded me.

Another’s blood shall cleanse the offense. Your blood!

My tears shall propel my vengeance.

It was you who sullied that soul, the delight of my soul.

You who had my trust and with an abominable stroke poisoned everything for me! 

Traitor! Who in such a manner repay the trust of your best friend.

Oh, lost delights! Oh, memories of a couple destined for love!

When Amelia, so beautiful, so fair, shone with love on my breast! 

It is ended, only hatred remains, hatred and death in the widowed heart!

Oh, lost delights, oh, hopes of love!


Manon Lescaut - Donna non vidi mai

Giacomo Puccini

I never saw a woman like her!

To tell her: I love you, to life you awakened my soul.

“My name is Manon Lescaut”. 

These tender words penetrate into the most hidden folds of the heart.

O gentle whisper, do not fall silent!


Edgar - Questo amor

Giacomo Puccini

This love, that is my shame, I despise, I want to forget! 

I am a slave to this horrid sickness,

and how many times have I wanted to flee…

yet only want to return? 

She laughs at my tears,

and I, with my heart broken,

prostrate myself at her feet.

I dream only of her, I want her. I love her!

Manon Lescaut - Tu, tu amore?

Giacomo Puccini

MANON - You, you, my love! You? Ah, my supreme love! Oh, heaven!


DES GRIEUX - Ah, Manon!


MANON - Then you no longer love me? You used to love me so much! Oh, those long kisses! Oh, the lingering enchantment! Your erstwhile sweetheart awaits your revenge. Oh, don’t look at me like that; you never looked so stern before!


DES GRIEUX - Yes, wicked girl, my revenge –


MANON - Oh, it’s my fault! It’s true!


DES GRIEUX - Ah, wicked girl, my revenge –


MANON - Oh, it’s true! You no longer love me – Ah, it’s true! So you no longer love me? You used to love me so much – you no longer love me!


DES GRIEUX - Be silent, you are breaking my heart!  You do not know of the dark, desolate days that descended upon me!


MANON - I want your forgiveness. See? I’m rich –


DES GRIEUX - Be quiet!


MANON - Doesn’t this seem a feast of gold and color?  It’s all for you!


DES GRIEUX - For pity’s sake, be quiet!


MANON - I imagined a radiant future; love brings you here. I betrayed you, that’s true! I am at your feet!

I betrayed you – call me wicked – I kneel at your feet. Oh, I want your forgiveness, oh, do not deny it to me!

Am I perhaps less charming and beautiful than Manon of other days?


DES GRIEUX - O temptress! This is the old spell that blinds me!


MANON - It’s love’s magic; yield to it, I am yours!


DES GRIEUX - I can struggle no longer! I am defeated!


MANON - Surrender, I am yours! Ah come, come! In your arms clasp Manon who loves you...


DES GRIEUX - I cannot struggle, o temptress!


MANON - Hold me tight to your breast! Manon longs for you alone, for you alone!


DES GRIEUX - I can no longer struggle!


MANON - Surrender, I am yours!


DES GRIEUX - I am defeated: I love you! –


MANON - Ah, come!


DES GRIEUX - – I love you!


MANON - Ah, come!

Manon longs for you alone, for you alone!


DES GRIEUX - I can no longer struggle! I am defeated: I love you!


MANON - Come! In your arms clasp Manon who loves you!


DES GRIEUX - In the depths of your eyes I read my destiny; all the treasures of the world are in your divine lips!


MANON - Ah! Manon longs for you alone – hold me close to your breast. Return to my desires, I beg you,

return to the ecstasy, to the lingering kisses of love! Live in rapture close to my heart. My mouth is an altar

where your kiss is God!


DES GRIEUX - These are your kisses! This is your love! Your kiss, sweet treasure, sets me afire!

In your dear arms there is rapture, oblivion!


MANON - Lips adored and tender!


DES GRIEUX - Manon, you bring me nigh to death!


BOTH - Such sweet suffering!

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